Trekking & Camping

Trekking/camping: many areas such as the Bale Mountains offer treks with stunning panoramic views, unique plant, wildlife, and cultural encounters. It is also possible to make trekking to any village and area at the bushy Omo valley..


Trekking/camping: many areas such as the Buska Mountain offer trekking with stunning panoramic views, unique plant, wildlife, and cultural encounters. It is also possible to make trekking to any village and area at the bushy Omo valley mountains.

Up on the interest of our guests some of the trekking can be done by horse riding.


lost in tribes


Camping in Ethiopia's omo valley is the best way to Experience the most beautiful, un-spoilt and off the beaten apath of the region. Some recognized campsites are provided in National Parks and other popular tourist areas, but here in omo valley their are a lot of patential but undiscovered camping site in the vilages of the tribes .
we will take you to the tribal vilages where you can enjoy the night seeing the stars, meeting the trib ealders tell their story and share their indigenous knowledge .
In camping, breakfast is cooked in the open, under the pale morning sun, while lunch is served under the shade of the camp’s magnificent trees. Days are spent stalking the game from the ground in a four wheel drive vehicle. Nights are spent around the campfire; its flickering flames eliciting tales of adventure and romance.